the bustard family | home
One of those sessions that while I'm filming it I'm already thinking "wow I can't wait to edit and share this." I got an e-mail from Carey saying that she would love to surprise her parents with a lifestyle session for Christmas. I literally could not wait because 1. I just really love any kind of family session and 2. I knew this one would be different than any other session I've documented as it wasn't my typical toddler-clientele. :) The Bustards are one of the most wonderful families you'll ever meet and they've been walking a difficult journey together as their sweet, radiant momma Leslie is battling cancer. To see the strength they have amidst the unimaginable reality they're living in was something that truly encouraged my heart to see first-hand. Our time together was filled with so much laughter and joy filled every room they walked in... it was the most beautiful thing to capture a family *all grown up* who truly just love being together. I got to film and photograph some of their favorite things to do together as a family... playing their go-to game, making a charcuterie board (Leslie told me that when her girls were in school, she would have a charcuterie board waiting for them when they'd get home because they'd always be hungry and "that would get them talking"... taking notes bc BRILLIANT), and they looked through special keepsakes like scrapbooks and artwork, reminiscing and sharing stories. sincere + vibrant + full of joy. all words i'd use to describe these incredible people. <3
