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isabel elise | birth

I’ve been looking forward to sharing this one ever since I met Dane and Ashley. Their journey in starting a family has been full of ups and downs after two miscarriages and what felt like disappointing news over and over… last year they received the best news of all… they were pregnant and due in June! When I first met them to film their announcement video + photos, we talked all about who this little baby would be, how surreal it was, and how excited they were to share with their friends and family on Christmas day that they were expecting their rainbow baby. Dane and Ashley are *i’m not kidding* some of the kindest, most genuine people you’ll ever meet. I feel so lucky that I’ve gotten to know them and share in their excitement over these last few months in anticipating their baby’s (boy or girl?!) arrival. I know filming their birth would be one of the highlights my summer (if you wanna know my excitement level lol) Their experience in getting their sweet baby here was wild to say the least! Full of twists and turns and releasing their expectations for what their birth may look like as the nurse told them that since Ashley wasn’t dilating, they would have to take her for a c-section. A couple hours later, the doctor came to double check and announced to the room that she was 10cm! My eyes instantly welled up with tears as I looked at Dane and Ashley… in complete shock that this was actually happening. They were literally PREPPING HER for a c-section and now all of a sudden it was time! This little baby’s life was already a testimony of God’s faithfulness and I really did feel like we saw a miracle right before our eyes! This is exactly what they had been praying for. 30 minutes later, Dane and Ashley met their baby GIRL as they got to hear her cry for the first time. The room was filled with excitement as they held this little miracle baby they have prayed so long for. She’s a strong and special little girl and I was so so honored to be in that room. Can’t wait to share Isabell’s birth story through video and photos with you. <3


hi  +  welcome

© 2022 vanessa joy films | lifestyle + birth videographer and photographer based in lancaster, pa

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