greyson scott | newborn
Can't even tell you how happy it made me to see + capture this family again!! I filmed the birth of Jen and Zach's second daughter Remi a couple years ago so when I ran into Jen in Lancaster and she told me she was pregnant I could hardlyyyy contain my excitement!! So honored they asked me to be there for the day their girls would meet their little brother. When I say obsessed I mean they were OBSESSEDDDD with him. Waiting by the door, jumping up and down, couldn't wait to hold him. Kinsley said over and over "Hi Greyson... it's me your big sister!!" and was already prepped and ready to show Remi how to be a big sister. :) They're going to be pros. There's genuinely so much love in this family and that's why I just couldn't wait to get them on my blog!!