the hess family | home
It's always been one of my favorite things when I get to see and capture a family grow up, change from babies and toddlers + seeing siblings get closer as they become best friends. the Hess family is no exception. <3 It has been so fun to get to know them through the years as they've asked me to document their family grow up. Melissa is a talented photographer who also loves photographing families so it was such an honor when she and her husband Dave invited me into their home again! I loved seeing how much Cora and Nolan have changed over the last year and a half and we had the best time picking wildflowers in their backyard, eating ice cream on the kitchen floor (if you have the self control to wait until you get to the table consider us *all* impressed), and bath time after a sweaty, summer day outside. :) This is one of my favoriteeee times of year and I loved getting to spend an evening with this CUTEEEE family!!