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alexander stockton | newborn

i got an email a few months ago from Ashley, who shared with me that she was carrying a baby for the sweetest family. As their surrogate, they have created a special relationship over these last 9 months and Ashley wanted to gift them a session with me. I’ve trulyyyyy been looking forward to meeting Nicole and Loren as well as Ashley since the moment we started emailing and now after months of preparation and anticipation, Nicole and Loren would finally get to meet their little boy, Alexander Stockton... and this day was just as special as you’d imagine 😭 from the moment i walked into this room, you could feel the love and excitement coming from these amazing parents, surrounded by their family who got to hold their long awaited nephew and grandson. 💛 It was the most beautiful thing to witness... not to mention Alexander was practically born with a hair style and is the perfect mix of his parents 💛 i am so excited to be sharing more from this sweet family. :)

hi  +  welcome

© 2022 vanessa joy films | lifestyle + birth videographer and photographer based in lancaster, pa

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